Wednesday, August 17, 2011

There are some things you don't jinx...

So, in a nutshell, here's what happened.

My Dad went in for a routine check-up, which prompted some tests, which lead to an angioplasty, which revealed the need for a bypass operation. This all literally happened over the course of a couple of weeks. Now, my Dad is generally very healthy. He wasn't really having too many symptoms and he wasn't really in much danger - except of course that he could have a coronary at any moment. So, it was decided to do the operation.

Now my Dad tends to be extremely private when it comes to things like this. He didn't really want the news getting out far and wide. So, I didn't spread the news. I kept it to myself. But there was a second reason I didn't pass it on. I was extremely confident that he was going to be okay.

Don't get me wrong. I didn't leave you all out of the loop because I didn't feel like you needed to know. On the contrary, I really wanted to tell someone. But combined with this "knowledge" that he was going to be okay, was this real fear that I didn't want to jinx it. Something told me to keep my mouth shut. So I did. And he's all right. So... there's that.

Its easy to say that its childish to be superstitious about things, but I never said I knew exactly how the universe works. If a butterfly can cause a hurricane, who knows what an errant comment can change? Loose lips sink ships, why can't they also reverse the outcome of surgery?

Anyway, my Dad is recovering. I am extremely grateful for all the prayers that found their way here. Please don't feel that I left you out of anything on purpose. I really just didn't want to jinx the outcome. And I'm glad my Dad is fine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad he's doing well. My Dad had those procedures several times and always felt better for having done it. These days, it's pretty routine and a lot of the fear has gone out of it.
