Friday, March 26, 2010

Bouncy Bouyant Bubbling Optimism Returns

Don't ask me why. I've had the week from Hell. In fact, it makes other weeks from Hell look like cakewalks by comparison. That week of college finals, PT Test in the Reserves, 7 days of work at Century Theaters, a flat tire on the freeway, and food poisoning - NOTHING! That week I was dumped by my girlfriend and had to fly off for my two weeks in the reserves - Pathetically easy! That first week of Boot Camp... um... well... No, nothing comes close to this week in terms of bad weeks.

And yet... its Friday. And although I still have to cram my scream inducing leg into my car and then hobble on to BART, then walk eight blocks on my bum leg in order to try and sit through a two hour movie without dinner, not to mention the standing up and sitting down I still have to do over and over and over again tomorrow as part of my Last Disciples Dress Rehearsal (repeated again just the once on Sunday), and, of course, the fact that I still don't have a bathroom or hot water in my house... I feel great.

Its like someone threw a switch and said, Okay, Will, now you're going to have a great weekend.

I feel like Job at the end of his book right before God restored all his fortunes. Just knowing that the ordeal was over must have been the best moment of his life. That sweet ecstasy of release, of the promise of a better world ahead.

I feel good. I knew that I would.

Have a great weekend!

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