Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The Adventure Chronicles (1983 - 2010)

When I returned from Kenya my first thoughts turned to this old relic of a website. I thought of how I would really remodel it and spruce it up. I thought of new content and new web dohickeys and all sorts of bells and whistles. And I thought of the fact that I'd be the only one working on it and the only one who visited it. It was a pipe dream. It was a nice pipe dream, but it was still a pipe dream.

Quite frankly, there are more important things to do than to resucitate an old pipe dream.

And so, when I came home yesterday and found a letter from my internet provider telling me that The Adventure Chronicles website's credit card had expired and that they needed a new form of payment, it occurred to me that this money could be better spent elsewhere. Keeping an aging dream on life support requires money and money is something I'm desperately short of right now.

So quietly, at 7:30 this morning, I pulled the plug. The Adventure Chronicles slipped away peacefully. It did not die in rancor or hurt feelings. It simply went to that place where all dreams go to die, to be remembered fondly from time to time, but to have no existence beyond that.

May it rest in peace.


Andy said...

I want James Taylor to sing over images from TAC's history.

TAC...27 years of joy, insanity, hilarity, and memories. It was a great part of our lives...

Will Robison said...

That would be awesome!

Almost makes me want to have a website so I can show a memorium video... which, naturally, will include Farrah Fawcett. ;)

Andy said...

And Bea Arthur. ;-)

Actually...you could probably upload something to Flickr or some other photo site and set it to music. Or even YouTube some of those images. That actually could be a cool way to memorialize TAC...

Anonymous said...

You could've at least had a memorial service....

And then launch a website about the memorial service. ;-)