Thursday, June 26, 2008

You Don't Mess With The Zohan (2008) - 4 Wigs

Some comedies like to play it safe. They go for the safe laughs, the safe gags, the safe humor. Movies like Austin Powers, though dangerously close to the edge, still managed to not show us anything. Then there are other comedies that don't do safe. They go right for the jugular and show you things that make you feel uncomfortable and the humor comes mostly from that feeling of being out of your normal realm - I'm talking things like American Pie (you know the scenes). But to be really dangerous and still not go over the line, that's a real skill and a movie that can do that can be hilarious.
You Don't Mess With The Zohan is Adam Sandler's best comedy since The Wedding Singer, and ranks right up there with Happy Gilmore in terms of character, story, and humor. It basically tells the story of Zohan, an Israeli uber-commando who has grown tired of the war on terror and wants to go to the United States to pursue his dream of becoming a hair dresser like Paul Mitchell. That's a pretty funny premise in itself, but its execution is incredible.


Now, first of all, when I say that Zohan is an uber-commando, I'm not talking Rambo or Jason Bourne, I'm talking someone like Samson or Hercules. My first thought when watching Zohan in action was, "This is what it would be like if God appointed a new Judge in Israel." His power and his magnetism seemed to flow out of some unbelievable power source that is never questioned in the movie - not quite superhero, not quite normal human being either. Its rather hilarious.
Bringing this "power" with him to the United States and using it for the purposes of hair-dressing is what really gives this movie some zing. This is not just some Rambo type who wants to dress hair, this is Samson the Hair Dresser - a guy who could basically be anything he wants to be at all and he wants to be a hair dresser.
Adam Sandler films have a tendency to have a very simplistic view of the world that is incredibly sweet and innocent. We buy the view because we want to. This movie has just such a view about the middle east, but we don't mind. If only life were as simple as an Adam Sandler movie.
As you can see, I'm trying to skirt the issue of the humor in the movie. The less you know about what's coming, the better the movie will be. Needless to say there are some very funny cameos, guest stars, and other moments that have nothing to do with Adam Sandler. All of these moments delight and surprise at the same time.
I am giving Zohan 4 Wigs - a score previously only given to Iron Man this summer - because, well, I not only laughed all the way through the movie, but I keep returning to the film in my mind. This movie has staying power.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adam Sandler is classic; tho his work is more enjoyable as long as he stays with he's best at: casual, unassuming comedies