Friday, January 30, 2009

HoHum, Its Done

I've been trying to figure out a way to capture the excitement of this moment... and then I realized, "What excitement?" Film Making is a long, slow process, not unlike building a building. The excitement in building comes with the first shovel of dirt and, maybe, when someone cuts a ribbon. Finishing the building is a cause for a nice beer, but not a ticker tape parade. Same with a film.

Here's how I finished the movie. I was making some final tweaks to the film and as I was doing so I kept thinking to myself, "Wow, I am so bored." And then I realized that the film was done and that I really never wanted to see it again. I saved the file and shut her down. Tonight, I'm burning the film onto film. And tomorrow onto a DVD.

Which isn't to say that the film is bad or that I am already sick of it. But the editing cycle is one where you start off wondering how the hell you're going to get a film out of the mess of spare parts, then where you start seeing a film emerge, then where you think about all the cool things you can do to improve it, and finally, when you realize that it doesn't need any more work. It may not be perfect, but its definitely finished.

Lucas said you never really finish a film so much as abandon it. Well, I'm kicking this thing to the curb. So long, don't write!

Anyway, all kidding aside. Twelve Step Jedi (complete with cool "original" soundtrack) will mark its World Premiere hopefully sometime in February. I'm still working on that.

Script work on our next feature begins immediately (we've been doing preproduction now for about two months) with an eye towards filming sometime this summer in locations around San Francisco. Come to the World Premiere and maybe catch a preview of the new film.


Anonymous said...

Will, how do I see this film? Tell me where and when and I will do my best to get there.

What about that book?

I admit I only dip into the bogosphere occasionally, but should I conclude the book is finished since you are working on the movie already? I need help navigating The Adventure Chronicles to find the details.

Give an aged youth pastor a hand!


Will Robison said...

We haven't set a screening day yet. When we do, I will let you know. And beyond that, I will send you a copy if you want.

As for the novel, well, it basically became impossible to complete. There are things I know now about writing that I didn't know when I started the novel. I'd have to completely rethink this story in order to write it and I'm too close to it to give it that kind of rethinking right now. So, onward and upward.

Ironically, I got back into film making because my youth kids wanted to make a film. Otherwise, I really had no intention of making films again. God works in mysterious ways.