Tuesday, July 05, 2011

There's A New Blog A'Comin...

I can't believe it took me THIS long to figure out what to do with all this vast and completely useless Disney Knowledge in my head. Seriously, I've been trying to figure out the best use for all this stuff for years now. It's probably the one thing that I study more seriously than film or writing or anything else and I've never had an outlet for all this knowledge. Most of the cool Disney info is out there already and I didn't want to be just another ME TOO! But the somewhat obvious answer hit me over the weekend.

You see, I've been pestering my family for years. Before every WDW trip I've done a countdown leading up to the day of travel. I would write a little blurb about some aspect of our trip - a paragraph or two about a hotel, attraction, restaurant, etc... - and then I would e-mail it to my family. I've kept these past countdowns with the idea that for my next trip, I wouldn't have to write them all from scratch. So, as I was thinking about starting up the new Countdown for my next trip in December, it occurred to me that what I had was the start of a really good idea for a blog - A Daily Disney reminder.

So that's what I'm going to do - a Disney Blog that, quite frankly, is designed to make me happy. I get to expound my Disney knowledge and if people read it, even better. I need a little time to get this up and running, so don't expect anything for a week or two. But I'll let you all know when it's ready.


Undergroundpewster said...

Maybe you have the answer to the question of the ages.

"What happens to the brains of those Disney workers who have to listen to 'Its a Small World After All' over and over again in the course of a week of working that ride?"

Anonymous said...

You'll be surprised at the hits you get via google searches. There are a lot of people out there looking for first had knowledge.
