Thursday, February 12, 2009

Saved by Absurdity?

As an update to the CPSIA nonsense I wrote about last week, so far, nothing has happened. And nothing has happened precisely because this law is so badly written that nobody has any idea what it actually says. Even the governing body of the CPSC is having such a hard time interpreting the law that a Federal Court struck down one of its interpretations.

Of course, this regulatory Mexican standoff can't last forever. Sooner or later, someone's going to pull the trigger and then all heck is going to break loose with the potential that manufacturers and consumers and the government might spend the rest of the decade in court trying to sort all of this mess out.

So let's call this the sitzkrieg - the phony war - where everything appears to be sunny and warm without a bomb in sight. The distant thunder you hear on the horizon, however, tells you a different story.

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